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Festivals and Events Make for a Spectacular September

Can believe it's already the first of the "-ber" months. You know what that means, right? Pumpkin-spice everything for at least two months before it's time for holiday lights, peppermint, and/or gingerbread-flavored treats.

Now, if only the weather would cooperate, but that's another story.

Atlanta Food & Wine Festival (2021); photo personal collection

Among the many notable things about September is that it kicks off the fall festival season. Starting this month, nearly, if not all, every weekend is packed with events throughout the region.

Vintage Village at Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain Park (Georgia, 2023); photo personal collection

For those looking to get a jump on holiday shopping (and perhaps pick up a few things for themselves) can browse and shop until their hearts are content at such festivals as the Yellow Daisy Festival, Sept. 5- 8, Stone Mountain Park (Georgia); Fall Into the Arts Festival, Sept. 7, Kennett, Missouri; Davidson (North Carolina) Fall Arts Festival, Sept. 14; and the Pink Palace Crafts Fair, Sept. 27, Memphis, Tennessee.

Kentucky Bourbon Festival (2011) in Bardstown; photo personal collection

Food and Spirit lovers find plenty to taste and sip in September with the Atlanta Food & Wine Festival, Sept. 12 - 15; Kentucky Bourbon Festival, Sept. 13 - 15, in Bardstown; Louisiana Food & Wine Festival, Sept. 19- 22, in Lake Charles; FOOD+, Sept. 19. -22, Birmingham, Alabama; Euphoria, Sept. 19 - 22, in Greenville, South Carolina; Smokin' in the Pines BBQ Festival, Sept. 20- 21, in Perry, Florida; and Boerne (Texas) Bierfest, Sept. 28.

And don't forget about Oktoberfest such as the one in Helen, Georgia, the longest-running celebration in the United States, Sept 5 - 30; Fort Worth (Texas) Oktoberfest, Sept. 26 - 29; Eureka Springs (Arkansas) Oktoberfest, Sept. 28; and OktoberWest 2024, Sept. 28, Charleston, West Virginia.

Cheekwood Harvest (2017) in Nashville, Tennessee; photo personal collection

Music fans, this is your month, too, with a line-up that includes Bristol (Tennessee-Virginia) Rhythm & Roots Reunion, Sept. 13 -15; Bourbon & Beyond, Sept. 19 - 22, Louisville, Kentucky; and South Star Festival, Sept. 28 - 29, Huntsville, Alabama.

Harvest Festivals also make an appearance throughout September, with

Huntsville (Alabama) Botanical Garden's Festifall, Sept. 1 - Oct. 30; Cheekwood Harvest, Sept. 14 - Oct. 27; and Autumn at the Arboretum, Sept. 21 - Nov. 3, Dallas, Texas.

For a comprehensive list of events and festivals this month, visit the calendar on the website.


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